BSZC Nemes-Linamar
Lego Robot
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About competition

This year it is the fourth time our school has organized the robot programming competition. In 2017 it was called 1st Robotics and Robot Sumo Competition. In this year as soon as last year as the name of our school has changed and we have a major sponsor, in 2019 you can join the Békéscsaba SZC Nemes-Linamar Lego Robot Programming Competition.

The most important information for the participation (further details can be found in the descriptions of each category):

Békéscsabai SZC Nemes Tihamér Gépészeti, Informatikai és Rendészeti Szakgimnáziuma és Kollégiuma
(5600 Békéscsaba, Kazinczy u. 7.)
6-7 of march in 2020.
Registration deadline:
Competition type, age group:
: team competition for students in classes 7-13
Competition categories:
I. Robot Sumo
II. Robot Programming and Construction

Competition categories

Students compete in teams of two. Each team can even enter both categories.

Click details

I. category

Robot Sumo

Click details

II. category

II. Robot Programming and Construction


Please fill the following form to registrate Registration deadline: 20/02/2020

I. category

Robot Sumo

Fill the form

Registrate for the Sumo


Békéscsabai Szakképzési Centrum

Békéscsabai SZC Nemes Tihamér Gépészeti, Informatikai és Rendészeti Szakgimnáziuma és Kollégiuma

Linamar Hungary Zrt.


Any questions of interest, please write us